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Whitehall Reservoir

Saturday - September 2, 2023

7AM - 3:00PM

Whitehall Reservoir is a 620 acre great pond located about a quarter mile south of Route 135 and a mile west of Route 495 in Hopkinton. The average depth of Whitehall Reservoir is 6 feet with a maximum of 30 feet and water transparency varies between 6 and 10 feet. The bottom type is also variable, consisting of gravel, rubble, and mud but with lots of physical structure in the form of humps, islands, and fallen trees. Aquatic vegetation is abundant and heaviest along the western shoreline. The reservoir lies within Whitehall State Park thus its immediate shoreline is not developed although houses and roads may be seen a short distance from shore in some locations.


Find a lunker here to earn a check, find two and win the tournament!


Strict 12 MPH speed limit!

Champion: Steve Robinson

Number of Fish: 29

Lunker: Steve Robinson

Total Weight: 47.80 lbs

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