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Long Pond

Saturday - April 22, 2023

7AM - 3:00PM

Long Pond is a huge, shallow, warmwater pond, covering 1,780 acres. It is the largest natural pond in Massachusetts. The pond is fed by numerous small streams and drains via Long Pond River (also known as the Snake River) into Assawompset Pond which in turn feeds into the Nemasket River. Average depth is six feet and the maximum depth is only 15 feet. Transparency is five feet. The 11 miles of shoreline are heavily developed with year round homes. The water color is stained and aquatic vegetation is found in some cove areas. Boaters should be cautioned that there are numerous submerged rocks.


Long Pond is a tried and true tournament lake!  These fish have seen everything! 


It's never easy but some one will find a good sack in this pre-spawn tournament!

Champion: Paul Picard

Number of Fish: 30

Lunker: Mark Donavan

Total Weight: 58.85 lbs

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